Oconee Futbol Club offers the most competitive level of soccer through our Select program. The Select Program represents the highest level of competitive club soccer available to players in the U13-U19 age groups. Oconee Futbol Club's Select teams compete in either of the GYSA statewide divisions - Athena for girl's teams and Classic for boy's teams.
· Professional training and coaching
· A minimum of 2 practices a week a third practice mat be offered at coach's discretion.
Inter-league games that are scheduled by Georgia Soccer
Teams will play 11 v 11 sided games.
Fee includes: Georgia Soccer registration and insurance, referee fees, professional training/coaching, field use, equipment, and league administration. All fees are per season. Payment plans are available. Options for the payment plans can be found online during the registration process that will occur once the player has been accepted onto a team.
As players make the transition from the 9 v 9 game to 11 v 11, it is important for us, as a club, to educate our players in the following areas of our select curriculum. The following topics are the building blocks of our select program and our soccer educational curriculum.
The cost for U13-U14 is $1150.00 for a 1 year non-refundable contract for Fall and Spring season.
U15-U19 is $850.00 for the Fall season. Uniform cost is Approx $150.00
For all further Select Soccer questions please email us at: [email protected].