“Rec” soccer is a developmental program for all youth players (regardless of skill level). While there may be “tryouts” to help create a roster and prevent “stacking” of teams, no one is “cut” from the program. Coaches are generally parents or volunteers.
“Club” or Travel soccer” is a select developmental program for the player who has an interest in higher level competition. Coaches are paid and must possess various level credentials/license to be eligible to serve as a coach. Tryout or skills assessment takes place at a time set by the governing organization. The select program includes players from U-10 – U-19. Players in the U-10- U-12 age range play in the Academy program which is a select developmental program. As the player progresses up in the select program to U-13 and above, they move into the select divisions for girls (Athena program) and boys (Classic program). Within each of these divisions there are levels of play ranging from A level (top) teams to F level (lower ranked) teams. As teams progress their rankings are adjusted. Additionally some larger organizations may have multiple teams under the same age heading and may differentiate those teams by playing level. For example if an organization has 3 U-13 girls teams, each will have a separate name, coach and roster and each of the teams may be placed by GYSA in a different division based on level of play (ranges A level to F level rankings). GYSA (Ga Soccer Association) determines the initial ranking of any new teams. All of the select programs (Academy, Athena, Classic) require travel.
How do I know what age my child should be playing?
Player classification for the soccer year shall be determined by the player’s age as of August 1. So a girl who is 13 on July 30 will need to register in the U-14 age group whereby a girl who turns 13 on August 2 is eligible for U-13. Players may have the option of playing up on an older team but are not eligible to play on a younger team depending on club options. Select organizations have the right to determine whether a player will be allowed to “play up”. Some clubs only allow this with exceptional players while other programs are more lenient.
“Proof of age shall consist of a birth certificate or birth registration issued by an appropriate governmental agency, Board of Health records, passport, alien registration card issued by the United States Government, certificate issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age, or a certification of an American citizen born abroad, issued by the appropriate government agency.”
What is the level of commitment for “Club/Select” soccer?
Recreation soccer usually consists of about 2 practices per week until games begin then usually drops to one practice with a game each week. Games are generally held at the local fields with teams alternating between “home and visitor.” Games may be held throughout the week or on weekends. Practices generally do not exceed 1 hour per session. You register for each season separately.
Select teams are more demanding and require a higher level of commitment from the player and parents. In Club/Select soccer programs commitment for the team runs from September 1 – August 31 and consists of 2 seasons of play (Fall and Spring). Each player is issued a player pass and there are stringent rules and regulations each organization must follow with regard to players. Practices begin for each season at the discretion of the coach and cannot exceed 3 times per week (though most local programs hold 2 practices per week that run about 1.5 hours). Games are generally held on the weekends. The schedule is set by GYSA and each team is put into ranking (A – F) within their age appropriate division. Game schedules are strictly upheld and all requests for changes and adjustments must be cleared through GYSA. Travel can range depending on locale but are generally within a 2 hour distance from Athens. Games will alternate between away and home. All games have certified referees and there is a procedure for entering all game information into a central system (generally done by coach or team managers). Attendance to practice and games is considered a requirement so the level of commitment is greater. Again the commitment is for the ENTIRE year so players need know this prior to signing up.
What are the financial obligations for playing “club/select” soccer?
Recreational soccer has an all inclusive fee and usually includes a jersey (players provide own socks, shorts etc). Locally this ranges from $45-100, depending on the organization. Select organizations offer recreational division or players will play through their local county recreational program.
Select soccer generally has a higher fee (covers practice space, organization fees, referee, and other expenses). There is a separate uniform fee (consists of 2 full uniforms, socks, playing bag, etc—depending on the organization). There may also be separate coaching fees assigned to each team. Teams may choose to enter tournaments and the cost (including coach’s cost) will be split among all members of the team. Total Cost will vary from each organization. When asking about fees, be sure to inquire about all of the above. Locally the cost per season ranges from about $200-600 (with some including coaching fees and others including that in the registration fee. Uniforms are usually purchased once a year at around $150 (this may vary based on what is required purchase).
What does my Fee cover?
Each club has their own policy and costs associated with their select fee. Here at OFC the fee breakdown is: Fees cover the cost of coaching/training fees, field rental for practice and games, administration payroll,referees, field equipment and registration, and we have a no refund policy.
Can my child guest play in club/select soccer?
Yes, in certain circumstances (which are outlined in great detail in GYSA rules). Procedures must be followed correctly and players are ALWAYS obligated first and foremost to their primary team.
Do all players get equal play time play?
Playing time is always a concern of players, coaches, and parents alike. Select teams are designed to include a roster of players with similar skill sets (when possible) to ensure that each player develops. GSA regulations do indicate “Each player must play a minimum of half a match, if he/she meets reasonable practice participation requirements set by their club/association”. Some players will play the entire game, but each player should play at least half. It is the coach’s responsibility to “assure that this policy is carried out.” Since this is select, it is not uncommon for the top team players to play most of each match.
Does my child have to play both Fall and Spring?
Commitment for a Select team runs from September 1 – August 31 of each year “The Fall season of play commences with the first league game of the Fall season and terminates with the completion of the last league or play-off game. The Spring season of play commences with the first league game of the Spring season and terminates with the completion of the last league or play-off game”. It is the expectation of the organization that players will remain on the team during the time at which Spring season play is completed.
How do I know if Select soccer is the best option for my child?
Even though at a higher competitive and more intense level, select soccer is still a game and should be fun for the players. If your child would like to play at a higher level and increase their soccer skills, then Select programs are a good option.
We are ready to move to Select soccer, now how do we get on a team?
Player tryouts for Academy, Athena and Classic may not held prior to the approved and published day released by GYSA. All tryouts are open to all players who meet the age requirements set forth in the GYSA guidelines. Tryouts dates are specific each year and for each age group. For example if the published date for U-13 tryouts is May 28, then all programs may begin their open tryouts on that day. No player may be denied the opportunity to try out. No player may sign with any team “prior to the signing date approved and published by Ga soccer.” Once you have “signed” with a team and that form has been submitted to Ga soccer, you are obligated to that team for the upcoming season (Fall and Spring).
For most age groups in Select soccer, tryouts are scheduled beginning in late May (U-13 and under) and in June (U-14 and up). Most organizations will publish those dates once GYSA releases them. Watch your local club internet sites and newspapers for announcement of tryout dates.
Are there any direct parent requirements?
Other than being a cheerleader for your team, parents generally serve as volunteers in several ways. Usually parents will help with bringing snacks/drinks to games, work in the concession stand (where applicable), and may serve in other capacities within the team or organization as they wish. Generally there are 1-2 parents who agree to be team manager and assist the coach with coordination of team activities.
All information included above is from: Georgia Soccer Youth Rules and Regulations: www.gasoccer.org